Former admin. officer (EZ) PWD Nada Taming no more

ITANAGAR, 31 Mar: Nada Taming, former administrative officer (EZ) PWD has died on 30 Mar at RKM hospital here.

Born to late Nada Bath of Hija village in 10 December 1960, late Nada Taming was among the first generation capital dwellers and held many portfolios during his lifetime.

He was founder general secretary of All Arunachal Pradesh Tribal Employees (AAPTEA) in Tirap district, Khonsa in 1978 and the founder general secretary of All Arunachal Pradesh Tribal Employees Association (AAPTEA) in Lohit district, Tezu till August 1980.

Taming was also general secretary of Capital Complex AP, PWD Ministerial Employees Association, Itanagar branch 1983, founder chairman of Abotani Colony Capital Complex, Itanagar (1984-87), founder chairman of Ganga Bazar Committee  (1984-1987), president of All Private Bus Association Capital Complex, Itanagar (June 1989 to July 1999), founder chairman of Ganga Daily Market, Itanagar in 1989 and founder general secretary of All Arunachal Pradesh Administrative Officers of Head of Department, Capital Complex.

He is survived by his wife, two sons and two daughters.

Meanwhile, the Hija Officers Welfare Society (HOWS) on Friday expressed its heartfelt condolences and solidarity to the bereaved family of late Nada Taming and prayed for the eternal peace of the departed soul.

Late Nada Taming’s last rites will be performed at his native village, Hija on 1 April.