Serve the public sincerely: DC

TAWANG, 7 Jul: “We as government servants should be sincere in delivering services to the public, and it must be ensured that the benefits of every welfare scheme and developmental activity initiated by the government reach the last man in the queue,” newly posted Tawang Deputy Commissioner Kanki Darang said during a meeting with HoDs, administrative officers, and others here on Friday.

Addressing the participants, including the ADCs of Jang and Lungla, local MLA Tsering Tashi and ZPC Leki Gombu, the DC said that “we have to handhold our people and continue our duties as sincere government servants for the betterment of the society.”

The ZPC in his address sought “cooperation and guidelines” from the DC with regard to “the developmental activities at the grassroots level, through the panchayati raj institutions.”

The MLA on his part informed that “the officers of Tawang district are sincere and capable to take any responsibility.”

“Though there is a shortage of officers and officials, we have to make the best and judicious utilisation of available resources,” he said, adding that “developmental activity is a never-ending process and it should not be hampered by minor excuses.”

He stressed that there is a need to make “more active and dedicated effort towards awareness on drug menace in the district,” and spoke about “proper documentation of government land and buildings by the departments concerned; traffic congestion in the township area; maintenance of good quality in developmental works by executing agencies; and regular power supply.”

The MLA also encouraged the local officers to visit the schools adopted by them in the villages “and continue the earlier system of conducting cleanliness drives in every colony.”

The officers apprised the DC of the issues related to their departments. (DIPRO)