Guv reviews central and state govt schemes in W/Kameng

BOMDILA, 27 Jul: Governor KT Parnaik reviewed the status of central and state government schemes, projects and programmes here in West Kameng district on Thursday.

Deputy Commissioner Akriti Sagar, SP Sudhanshu Dhama, and HoDs briefed the governor on the status of the projects and programmes being implemented in the district.

Addressing the participants, Parnaik emphasised “the need for management of data of various schemes in the district,” and said that “automation of data is key for proper analysis, planning and project implementation.”

He urged the HoDs to “have software applications that can network data from villages, circles and districts with the state government,” and advised the HoDs to “utilise the funds optimally, imbibe professional efficiency, and eradicate corruption.”

Describing health, education and agriculture sectors as important for the overall prosperity of the state, he urged the district’s officers to “find innovative ways to move ahead in these sectors with perception management.”

In view of the district’s potential in the tourism sector, the governor stressed on preservation of tourist places in their natural form and “keeping the environment neat and clean.”

He expressed concern over the school dropout rate, and said that “effort should be made to address the challenge, as it will have adverse effects on the development of the state.”

The governor, who is monitoring the mission to eradicate tuberculosis, cancer and drug addiction in the state, exhorted the district officers to “participate in the national movement in eradicating these from the state.” (Raj Bhavan)