Sona takes stock of developmental projects in Shi Yomi

TATO, 16 Aug: State legislative assembly speaker PD Sona took stock of the progress of various ongoing schemes and projects in Shi-Yomi district during a coordination meeting with the HoDs, PRI and public leaders at the DC’s conference hall here on Wednesday.

Sona asked all the HoDs to expedite the developmental projects executed by them.

He lauded the district administration under the leadership of DC Liyi Bagra for relocation of all the HoDs to Tato and establishment of temporary DC office at Kamgi near its original location, thereby making the functioning of district eventually from Tato.

Reiterating his commitment to transform Tato into a model district headquarters, Sona sought cooperation from the government officers particularly, the departmental heads.

Acknowledging the concerns raised by the representative of Tato Township Development Welfare Society regarding the Tato-Mechukha double-lane highway issue, Sona called upon the DC to facilitate a meeting involving all stakeholders.

Informing about various mega hydropower projects coming up in the district, Sona called upon everyone to extend support to NEEPCO for successful implementation of the projects.

Sona requested the DC to formulate a comprehensive master plan for construction of a mini secretariat.

Also, the speaker expressed concern over low enrollment in the CMAAY and Ayushman Bharat scheme. He urged the PRI leaders to disseminate information about the advantages of these schemes within village communities.

During the meeting, the DC asked the officials to stay in their respective place of posting and cautioned them against unauthorized absence from duty.

Earlier, Sona, accompanied by DC Shi Yomi, ZPC, ZPM, and all HoDs, conducted an inspection of the newly established government department offices and officer barracks.