Adverse weather condition halts 3rd search operation to trace Mra and Dao

[Bengia Ajum]

SEPPA, 23 Aug: The 3rd search operation team to trace missing Everester Tapi Mra and his associate Niku Dao has returned from Mt. Khayarii Satam after they could not find any concrete evidence due to the adverse weather condition in the area. The team led by Everester Tagit Sorang returned here on Monday. The foot based search operation was flagged off on 5th Aug from Seppa, East Kameng.

Apart from finding water thermos of Tapi Mra, the team could not find anything concrete this time.

 “We tried everything including using metal detectors. The glacier movement took place and topography too has changed in the area. We dug in several areas using metal detectors but most were false alarms. The heavy snow and rocky mountain made it very difficult,” said team leader Tagit Sorang while talking to this daily.

He said the team came back heartbroken. “We tried everything but could not locate the duo. It was very sad to come back without any concrete evidence despite our best efforts,” added Tagit.

The team has submitted a detailed report to DC East Kameng regarding their effort.

Meanwhile, Yatok Mra Nilo, the sister of missing Everester Tapi Mra said that the family will not give up the effort to trace him.

“Even though this mission was not successful, we appreciate the hard work of the search team. I also acknowledge the support provided by the government. But we will not give up and will continue to try to find him and Niku Dao in future too,” she said.

Nilo expressed hope that the state government and people of state will continue to extend support to the family.

“I appeal to the state government to provide funds to the department of youth affairs to carry out expeditions to Mt. Khyarii Satam every year. Let people who want to conduct research and expeditions go there with the support of the government. Also if experts from outside independently want to carry out search operations in the area, the government should extend some support,” she added.

In the report the team explained in detail about the search operation.

“The actual search operation was conducted on 16th-17th August at the earmarked missing area. On 16th Aug, the team found a water flask on the west side of the glacier. The water flask found is believed to be of missing Everester Tapi Mra. Following which, the team used a Recco Metal detector over the glacier area for detection of any metal equipment like carabiner ice axe and rock pylons believed to be attached with missing persons. The metal detector showed detection at many places but due to the thick ice sheet, the team faced difficulty in removing the moraine and even after clearing it, further digging was not possible due to presence of small and big metal rocks,” the team informed in its report submitted to DC East Kameng.

On 17 August, two member teams which include mountaineers Taru Hai and Kale Dao climbed up to 5700 MSL to the rock cliff to check any further evidence.

“A final search was conducted at cooler and gorge on the rock cliff but the team made no significant finding therefore, the team decided to return back to the advance base camp from camp- 2 after retrieving sleeping bags and tent of the missing person from last year’s camp,” they added.

In its report the team also observed that any cross-border contact with the missing persons seems to be non-realistic due to its tough terrain. They also observed that topography in the area has changed drastically thereby making it difficult to carry out search operations in the area.

The 34 member search team, including four Everesters – Tagit Sorang, Tame Bagang, Gelje Sherpa and Furi Sherpa – along with two Everester Sherpas from Nepal and mountaineer Taru Hai had undertaken search operation.

Mra and Dao went missing in Mount Khyarii Satam in East Kameng district in August 2022, when they were on a mission to climb the revered mountain.