Felix inaugurates SDPO office in Balijan

BALIJAN, 29 Aug: Home Minister Bamang Felix on Tuesday inaugurated the SDPO office-cum-police station here in Papum Pare district, in the presence of Doimukh MLA Tana Hali Tara, DGP Anand Mohan, Papum Pare DC Cheechung Chukhu, SP Taru Gusar, and others.

Dedicating the infrastructure to the people of Balijan, Felix urged all to cooperate with the police in maintaining peace and order in the area, saying that “maintaining law and order, peace and tranquillity is a responsibility of every citizen.”

He expressed gratitude to the people of Balijan and the Arunachal Police Housing & Welfare Corporation Ltd for working together to establish the infrastructure.

Stating that the state government is actively working on strengthening the police force, he informed that “more than 700 police personnel in different ranks have been promoted so far.”

The minister urged the locals to promote bonhomie along the interstate boundary and said that “both Arunachal and Assam government, under the close guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, are trying to resolve the longstanding border dispute.”

“The people of both the states should find a middle path while being open to give and take attitude to resolve the border dispute,” he said.

Tara in his speech expressed gratitude to Chief Minister Pema Khandu and Felix for establishing the police station, saying that “it had been a long-cherished demand of the people.”

He also urged all to contribute their bit in maintaining peace and unity. (HM’s PR Cell)