Corruption at the root of failure of govt schemes’ implementation

Governor KT Parnaik, while on an official visit to remote Chyang Tajo in East Kameng district, directed state government officials to ensure that the benefits of various flagship programmes of the state and the central governments reach the targeted beneficiaries. This is a very timely appeal and hopefully the officials will adhere to it. Often it is seen that the majority of the government schemes, including various flagship programmes, do not reach targeted beneficiaries. Therefore, these schemes fail to have a major impact on the ground.

Apart from corruption, one of the main reasons for the failure of these schemes is too much involvement of politics. In the villages, people with political connections are given first preference while selecting beneficiaries for various programmes. Quite often the real farmers who should be getting the benefits do not get it if they are on the wrong side of politics. This totally dilutes the motive of these programmes. Also, the corruption involved in selecting beneficiaries causes a lot of damage. In some cases, the quality of materials supplied to the beneficiaries is compromised by the suppliers. All these factors contribute to the failure of many of the flagship programmes of the state and the central governments.