Rally held against feasibility survey for mega dam

[Bengia Ajum]

PARONG, 14 Sep: A massive rally was organised here in Upper Siang district on Thursday against the move to conduct a feasibility survey for the construction of a mega dam on the Siang river.

The rally was organised by the All Adi Welfare Society (AAWS) and the Siang Indigenous Farmers’ Forum. The protestors raised their voices against the plan to construct a dam on the Siang river in the Dite-Dime area.

“No dam, no compensation and no feasibility survey” slogan was raised by the protestors.

The AAWS later convened a ‘general meeting’, which was attended by over 2,000 people from East Siang, Siang and Upper Siang districts.

AAWS president Takeng Taggu claimed that “everyone in voice made it clear that no dams will be allowed on river Siang in the Adi belt.”

“Siang is our pride and we will not allow any dam to be constructed on this river in the entire Adi belt. The government should not commit the mistake of forcibly trying to construct a dam in our area,” said Taggu.

He made it clear that no amount of compensation can convince the people to part ways with their land. “If the mega dams are allowed to be constructed, the entire Adi belt will be destroyed. We cannot let our future be destroyed for the selfish gain of a few,” he added.

Taggu further claimed that invitations had been sent to Health Minister Alo Libang, MLAs Ojing Tasing and Kanggkong Taku and the Adi Bane Kebang to attend the general meeting.

“Despite being invited, none of them turned up for the meeting. We wanted to let them hear the voice of the people of the Adi region regarding the mega dam. Sadly, none of them came for the meeting,” Taggu said.

He reiterated that their protest will continue and they will not back off, come what may. “The government should know that we are here for a long haul. Our battle against mega dam will be long and we are ready for it,” he added.

Members of the All Adi Welfare Society Youth Wing, the All Geku Students’ Union, the All Komkar Students’ Union, the Adi Students’ Union, the Geku Katan Intellectual Youth Forum, the Magong banggo, the Nuggong Banggo Students’ Union, etc, participated in the rally.