Implementation of NEP a big challenge: CM

TALO, 19 Sep: Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Tuesday said that implementation of the new education policy (NEP) in the state would be a big challenge for the state government as the policy envisages a completely new education system in place of the existing one.

“Not only will the entire setup of formal education be replaced, but new infrastructural amenities will also have to be constructed. The priority will be on quality education,” Khandu said after inaugurating the new school building of the government higher secondary school (GHSS) here in Lower Subansiri district.

Responding to a few demands for the school, he assured that “all will be met once

the state government starts to roll out the NEP as made mandatory by the central government.”

Khandu informed that “all the states have to implement the NEP in all schools, colleges and universities by 2030.”

He complimented the alumni of the school and the local communities for ensuring quality construction of the new school building, and termed their initiative “an example to emulate for others across the state.”

The alumni of the school and the residents of Talo contributed in cash and kind to add to the fund granted by the state government to complete this new building with all modern amenities.

“Your contributions have made possible this infrastructure, which is better than what the government had sanctioned for, and by ensuring its completion within eight months, you have set a new benchmark for the rest of the state. Such support from community and alumni for public infrastructure is unheard of,” Khandu said.

The CM reiterated that education and health are priority sectors of the government, and said that both the sectors have witnessed several reforms and transformations in the last few years.

“The state government is focusing on preprimary level education, which forms the foundation on which the entire career of a child depends,” Khandu said.

He also dwelt on the prevailing notion of people preferring private schools over government schools for the education of their children.

“Government schools have the best teachers in terms of training and education. They also get far better salaries than those employed in private schools. But still people prefer private schools. There’s something wrong and we have to right it and reverse the trend,” he said.

Speaking about quality education in government schools, Khandu hailed the GHSS here for producing a record number of educated youths now serving in the government, including 41 Group A officers, 38 Group B officers, and 135 Group C and D employees.

Later in the day, Khandu inaugurated the RCC bridge over the Panyor river to connect Yazali with the villages in Kora circle. He also inaugurated the newly established Kora circle administrative centre, besides laying the foundation for a 12-km road from the bridge point to Taib village.

The chief minister was accompanied by Education Minister Taba Tedir, Home Minister Bamang Felix, Agriculture Minister Tage Taki, and MLAs Biyuram Wahge, Nyamar Karbak, Hayeng Mangfi, Ojing Tasing, Phurpa Tsering and Gokar Basar. (CM’s PR Cell)