School safety training prog

NAHARLAGUN, 12 Oct: The Itanagar Capital Region (ICR) district disaster management authority organised a district-level ‘school safety training-cum-orientation’ programme for teachers at the government secondary school in G Sector here on Wednesday.

The programme was aimed at generating awareness among the teachers on how to make schools safe and secure for the students, and to highlight the teachers’ roles and responsibilities.

During the programme, District Disaster Management Officer Moromi Dodum Sonam highlighted the importance of preparing school disaster management plans, and apprised the teachers of how to prepare such plans. She also highlighted the safety and precautionary measures to be adopted by the schools to avoid any kind of hazard.

Naharlagun Sub-fire Officer K Amo conducted a session on ‘fire safety’ and demonstrated the uses of fire extinguishers, while disaster management senior consultant Dr Bhupen Milli presented a brief on school safety and its importance.

A team from Doimukh-based 12th Bn NDRF conducted a detailed session on what to do before and after natural calamities.

ICR DDSE ST Zara and DPC Kipa Kechak also spoke.

More than 100 teachers from various schools of the capital, along with URCCs and CRCCs participated in the programme, which was organised by the ISSE district project office. (DIPRO)