AAPWU against appointment of MLA/minister as APB&OCWWB c’person

ITANAGAR, 9 Nov: Members of the All Arunachal Pradesh Workers’ Union (AAPWU) at a press conference here on Thursday has opposed appointment of legislator or a minister as the chairperson of the Arunachal Pradesh Building & Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board (APB&OCWWB), and said that only a member of the board should be appointed as its chairperson.

The Arunachal Pradesh Trade Union Federation had also on Tuesday raised the same issue.

Addressing media persons, AAPWU western zone president Tadar Cheku said, “We oppose the distribution of blankets, mosquito nets and other goods because they are included under the non-stationery goods and it is not under the guidelines of the board. If it is under the guidelines, we won’t be opposing it.”

Highlighting the benefits under the Building & Other Construction Workers’ Regulation Employees Condition Service Act, he informed that “Rule 260 says that the board’s chairman will get an honorarium of Rs 5,000, and Rule 281 says that cash award should be awarded to the workers’ children who earn distinction in their education.”

“Free medical treatment will be given to the workers and their families,” he said, and added that, “accordingly, financial assistance in education for higher studies for the workers’ children will be given, along with financial aids in marriage.”

“Under the guidelines of the Employees’ Condition Service Act, it is mentioned that death benefit funds and funds for disabilities should be given. Hence, we are opposing all those donations which are in kind, instead of being schemes of the government, and funds in cash,” he said.

Cheku alleged that “misappropriation of funds has been done through one per cent cess.”

AAPWU secretary-general Tadar Chai said that “the union facilitates the growth of the workers, but now, whoever is coming as workers under the APB&OCWWB is not doing it for the welfare of the workers, whereas things were different when people like Jalley Sonam were chairing.”

Chai added: “We are now witnessing clearly that no developments are coming up for the welfare of the workers. We have been sitting meetings after meetings with all our counter stakeholders. We are appealing that now we have to work according to the guidelines under the worker’s union.”

“We are requesting the state government to be careful before appointing anyone as the chairperson of the workers board, and a thorough discussion should also be there. We are also requesting the labour commissioner to check and balance and scrutinise in the appointment process,” he said.

“We are also requesting all those affiliated under trade unions to file RTI applications in unison from the back date year 2007 to come up with a change,” Chai said, and requested the Arunachal Pradesh Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh to “act accordingly for the welfare of the workers’ board.”

Chai also pointed out loopholes in the appointment of the board’s chairman.