Books donated to GHSS

ANINI, 17 Nov: Over 150 books were donated to the Govt Higher Secondary School (GHSS) here in Dibang Valley district by the 2016-’17 batch of the Rajiv Gandhi University Students’ Union (RGUSU) on Friday, in the presence of DDSE G Umbrey and the school’s principal.

The team also engaged with the students by way of an awareness programme, emphasising the significance of cultivating the reading culture and its potential advantages in shaping their future.

The team encouraged the students to “be diligent learners, aspire for success, and contribute to society in your unique capacities.”

Addressing the gathering, Keyom Doni, the chairman of the book donation drive, said that “our annual reunion programme serves as a platform to give back to society,” and added that “the books have been contributed not only by our batch but also by individuals from across the state who support the cause.”

The DDSE and the GHSS principal commended the team for the initiative.