Kashmir issue should be resolved through dialogue between India and Pakistan: China

[ KJM Varma ]

BEIJING, 12 Dec: The Kashmir issue should be resolved through dialogue and consultation between India and Pakistan, China said on Tuesday, reacting to India’s Supreme Court judgment on Article 370 upholding the central government’s decision on the erstwhile state of Jammu & Kashmir.

“On the Kashmir issue, China’s position is consistent and clear,” Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said, replying to a question by a Pakistani journalist, seeking China’s reaction on the issue.

India’s Supreme Court on Monday unanimously upheld the central government’s decision to abrogate provisions of Article 370, bestowing special status to the erstwhile state of Jammu & Kashmir. The apex court also directed restoration of statehood “at the earliest,” as well as holding elections to the assembly by 30 September next year.

“This is a dispute left from the past between India and Pakistan and it should be properly addressed through peaceful means, according to the UN charter, United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions and relevant bilateral agreements,” she said.

Relevant parties need to settle the dispute through dialogue and consultations and safeguard peace and stability in the region, Ning said.

Pakistan, China’s all-weather ally, on Monday said that India’s Supreme Court verdict, upholding the abrogation of Article 370, has “no legal value,” asserting that the international law does not recognise New Delhi’s “unilateral and illegal actions” of 5 August, 2019. (PTI)