M’Pen – II gets solar street lights from CRPF

[ Pisi Zauing ]

M’PEN, 20 Dec: Under the aegis of 186 BN CRPF, a civic action programme was organized at M’pen-II village under Miao Circle in Changlang district on Wednesday, wherein eight solar street lights were donated to the villagers.

186 Bn CRPF commandant Janardan Upadhyay handed over the solar lights to the villagers in presence of Miao SDPO Maga Tago and D/186 Bn CRPF Asst. comdt Inoka K. Jimomi alongwith the GBs, panchayat leaders and locals.

Commandant lauded the village chief and villagers on being a drug and bootlegging free village and further encouraged the villagers to continue their collective efforts in building their society.

He spoke on the importance of bridging the gap between the security forces and the local populace and fostering positive relations and mutual understanding between the CRPF and the community it serves. He added that the street lights donated are CRPF’s continuous commitment andĀ  effort to not only ensure the security of the region but also to contribute to the welfare and well being of the local populaceĀ  it serves.

SDPO Mago Tago and M’pen-II village Head GB Surjya Moni also spoke on the occasion.