SDP on operating sewing machine

CHONGKHAM, 24 Feb: Thirty unemployed persons and members of SHGs are participating in a skill development programme (SDP) on ‘Sewing machine operators’, which was launched here in Namsai district by the NABARD on Saturday.

The NABARD-sponsored programme is being conduced by the Bethel Life Care Charitable Trust (BLCCT), in collaboration with the Arunachal State Rural Livelihoods Mission (ArSRLM).

Speaking on the occasion, NABARD   District Development Manager Kamal Roy reiterated the significance of SDPs in elevating the socioeconomic status of rural communities, especially women entrepreneurs.

He elaborated the NABARD’s initiative to promote geographical indications of products, “emphasising their distinctive quality and contribution to rural economies,” the NABARD informed in a release.

BLCCT president Chandan Prasad said that “the SDP curriculum aligns with the national occupational standards set by the National Skill Development Corporation,” while ArSRLM representative Rithi Mega urged the trainees to “seize the opportunity provided through mentoring support.”

Stressing on the importance of “upgrading and innovating” local products, Mega encouraged women artisans to “venture into entrepreneurship.”

Mentor for the Startup Village Entrepreneurship Programme from Kudumbashree NRO, Jyoti Kumari Puran, expressed optimism over the SDP’s impact on SHGs. She assured to continue providing support post-training “to ensure sustainable livelihoods.”

Besides the trainees, members of the gram panchayat and SHGs were present at the inaugural session.