Playing to the gallery


We have come to know from a certain political heavyweight of the national arena that the Trinamul has brought ‘Bengal into disrepute’ with the people across India, speaking about the atrocities unleashed in Sandeshkhali. Also the ‘anti-women’ party tortures women of Dalit and tribal communities.

However, it is indeed mysterious why he religiously fails to notice when Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu, and Manipur are brought into disrepute with the people across India and even the world at large speak about the atrocities unleashed upon Dalit girls in Hathras/Unnao and when tribal Kuki women are paraded naked in Manipur before gang-raping/murdering them.

Also, would he care to answer why a certain influential leader of his outfit gets protected despite serious charges of his involvement in sexual atrocities of women wrestlers? Though it is very kind of him to feel sympathy for the Bengali women, why doesn’t his heart cry when women get brutally tortured and murdered in saffronised states with Gujarat even releasing convicted gang rapists and murderers through felicitation by garlands and sweets?

Even if for the sake of argument, it gets accepted that the TMC wants to be in power in the ‘interest of a particular family’. The countrymen, who possess minimum common sense, are also noticing how the commercial interests of certain carefully chosen business families are being zealously nurtured.

Also, by boasting that he doesn’t have any requirement to leave cash, bungalows, or cars to anybody, he has actually insulted billions of married persons in the society. By which audacity can he equate honesty/dishonesty with one’s marital status? That a bachelor/spinster/non-family person would invariably walk on the path of honesty (else he/she must/can be dishonest is laughable, ridiculous and bankrupt than such a foolish statement! What a play to the gallery indeed so as to cater to the lowest common denominator.

However, he is at least absolutely correct in one instance. He has asserted, very rightly, that nobody had ever thought that Ram temple would come up and Article 370 could be obliterated. Indeed, how could any sane secular person ever think that a temple of an epic hero can be constructed right at that very spot where a full-fledged mosque had stood prior to its barbaric demolition by the communal zealots with such brazen illegal act getting ignored by none other than the judiciary, which had accorded higher priority to the beliefs of the Hindus by overriding the hard fact of physical existence of that mosque for several centuries? Again, how could any sensible person ever envisage that the guarantees accorded to Kashmir by none other than the very Constitution also can be unilaterally abrogated with division of the state into two and relegating both parts to mere union territories?

And by citing Ayodhya and Kashmir, has he indirectly threatened to disintegrate West Bengal, again unilaterally in the guise of meeting the aspirations’ of the Gorkhas? If he is indeed serious about it, he must act honestly and be courageous enough to confess to such a plan while campaigning in South Bengal, so that the saffron voters among the Bengalis can think twice before casting their franchise, provided they possess even an iota of self-respect and emotion towards their mother state and community.

As for the charge of ‘TMC depriving West Bengal of development and welfare’, he must clearly specify whether New Delhi has indeed taken Rs 4,60,000 crore in taxes from the state and even after that it has withheld an amount of Rs 1,60,000 crore, thereby robbing the entitled dues of West Bengal. If he can’t refute this allegation made by the TMC government of West Bengal with solid evidence, it should be accepted as truth and thereafter he must be asked by which moral strength he can dare to expect a single vote of any true Bengali in favour of his party despite such heartless discrimination against the state.

Kajal Chatterjee,

D-2 /403,

Peerless Nagar,  Kolkata