ITANAGAR, 5 Apr: A day after the emergence of the report of Rs 1 crore having been seized from a vehicle that was following the convoy of Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad Sangma at the check post in Kanubari in Longding district, the Meghalaya unit of the National People’s Party (NPP) on Friday issued a clarification, saying that “we categorically state that the vehicle in question was not a part of our convoy, which was officially certified by SP Longding.”
Meghalaya NPP spokesperson Himalaya Muktan Shangpliang said that the convoy in which Sangma, who is also the NPP president, was travelling underwent standard security checking as per the protocols established under the election model code of conduct.
The party added that, during the checking of vehicles at the Kanubari check gate, “the convoy vehicles were thoroughly checked, including the vehicles of the NPP president, national general secretary and the accompanying team.”
It is learnt that the occupant of the vehicle – a black Fortuner car – following Sangma’s convoy belongs to one Badri Rai, the executive director of Badri Rai company.
“Rai and his company are executing numerous projects in Meghalaya despite being questioned over shoddy implementation of work, including the collapse of the Meghalaya state legislative assembly dome,” the NPP said.