Implementation is the key

After many instances of stray dogs attacking citizens, Itanagar Municipal Corporation Mayor Tamme Phassang has said that the municipality will introduce new regulations, requiring owners to register the details of their cats and dogs.

The mayor stated that at least 20 cases of dog bites are being reported from the capital region on a daily basis, and that the aim of this step is to ensure that owners are more responsible for their pet animals.

This is a step in the right direction, as the administration and the corporation will then know the details of how many dogs are actually stray. Many dogs are left in the streets, even though they are not entirely abandoned.

Citizens must adhere to the rules set by the corporation, and the corporation must ensure that these rules are properly implemented. Just making rules without implementation is as good as not having any.

Incidences of dog bites have reached an alarming level; therefore, intervention must be drastic.