APWWS seeks BJP’s intervention in enacting anti-polygamy law

ITANAGAR, 3 Jun: The Arunachal Pradesh Women’s Welfare Society (APWWS) has sought the state BJP president Biyuram Wahge’s intervention in enacting laws to ban polygamy in the state.

The APWWS said that polygamy has significant social, psychological and economic implications particularly, on women and children. A legal framework prohibiting this practice will be a monumental step towards ensuring gender equality and protecting the rights of women in our state, APWWS president Kani Nada Maling wrote to Wahge.

She also requested that no polygamous MLA be allocated the women and child development ministry.

Maling said that it will be challenging to address issues related to polygamy and women’s rights effectively, if the department is overseen by someone who practices polygamy.

The APWWS president urged Wahge to ensure that the department is led by someone, who upholds the values of monogamy and gender equality.

“We are confident that under your leadership, the state government will take decisive actions to promote the welfare of women and children, thereby contributing to the overall progress and development of Arunachal Pradesh,” the letter read.