3rd DTFI meet in Namsai

NAMSAI, 17 Jul: The 3rd District Task Force for Immunisation (DTFI) meeting was held at the DC’s conference hall here in Namsai district on Wednesday. The meeting chaired by Additional Deputy Commissioner K. Tikhak also reviewed other National Health Mission (NHM) programs in the district.

The Action Taken Report (ATR) from the previous DTFI meeting was scrutinized during the meeting “with serious concern over unmet actions,” highlighting the need for enhancing accountability and timely implementation of health directives.

During the meeting, in-depth discussions were held on the ongoing Sampoornata Abhiyan activities and the 100 Days Action Plan, and issues related to the registration processes of CMAAY and PMJAY were addressed.

The house assessed the status of activities concerning 108 and PCPNDT Act of all health centres in the district.

The 3rd DTFI meeting also focused on the HPV Mukt Arunachal Mission and Anemia Mukt Mission and sought cooperation of the DDSE and CDPOs in raising awareness about the HPV vaccine among students andĀ  in implementing the “Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplement (WIFS) and Stop Diarrhoea campaigns” effectively.

ADC commended the Alubari and Empong Sub-Centres for achieving NQAS certification and encouraged other centres to strive for the same.

He emphasized the mantra “Healthy India, Stronger India,” and called for coordinated efforts towards improving the district’s health metrics. (DIPRO)