APWWS seeks clear guidelines on rehab centres

ITANAGAR, 22 Jul: Arunachal Pradesh Women’s Welfare Society (APWWS) has urged the state govt to frame clear guidelines on rehabilitation centres.  The appeal came after a death of a young man, allegedly due to torture in Pasighat recently.

APWWS appeals to the government to frame clear guidelines, rules, and regulations for running such private institutions. These centres should be registered with the government, and regular inspections must be conducted to ensure their proper functioning, stated its president Kani Nada Maling in a press statement.

“Disturbing video footage emerging from a Rehabilitation Centre is raising serious concerns about the safety and security of the inmates housed there.

We strongly condemn such inhumane torture and insist that the person involved in torturing the inmate must not be spared. A rehabilitation centre is a place for reformation, not a torture cell,” she said.