Education department’s decision to shut down non-functional schools welcome

Education Minister Pasang Dorjee Sona informed the Assembly that the state government has shut down around 600 schools which were either non-functional or had zero enrolment. He added that the government plans to close more such schools with zero or low enrolment. This is a good move by the government. The school infrastructure should be used for other purposes. The education department should hand it over to the district administration to use it. Many of these schools were constructed due to the greed of the local contractors.

Political workers constructed the school buildings. The elected representatives often had to accept the demands of the local workers and sanction these schools. In reality, many of them did not serve the purpose for which they were established. Therefore the decision of the education department to shut down all the non-functional schools should be supported by everyone. In a similar line, the department should look into non-functional colleges and polytechnic institutes. Many degree colleges and polytechnic institutes have come up in various districts in the last decade. Unfortunately, many of them are non-functional and infrastructures remain unused. The education department should conduct a survey and close down all degree colleges and polytechnic institutes that are non-functional.