Clarification needed on TGT, PGT exams

After numerous failed attempts to reach out to the APPSC, we, the unemployed BEd graduates, wish to highlight the mass confusion surrounding the APPSC’s recent exam calendar.
As per the calendar, the TGT exam is scheduled for 9 and 10 November. It was a relief to every qualified student, who saw this as a ray of hope. However, to our utter dismay, two months have already passed and not even 40 days is remaining for the exam but no further update has been provided. Just providing the dates without the key details, such as the exam pattern (objective/subjective), the type of exam (recruitment or mains), and whether it will be re-advertised, is unjust.
There is an ever-growing confusion statewide as to the process of examination. Please clarify the nature of exam, if it is actually being conducted on 9/10 November.
Additionally, the long-delayed PGT exam, which is of higher priority, has not yet been scheduled or updated on the APPSC website. Prioritising lower order exams first would create administrative difficulties in the future. The APPSC should take the recent case where 57 posts of IRBN/MTS were left vacant as the candidates did not join their service. These are the same candidates who go for higher order posts, taking away the job possibility of others. Many otherwise desperate unemployed youths could have secured the jobs. Not to mention, resource wastage of government also occur this way.
I urge the commission to provide clarity on these queries as soon as possible. Just suggesting to frequently visit the website without any updates is not logical. Hoping for a new directive from the commission soon.