Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I respectfully and humbly remind the aspirants of universities and colleges who are demanding to defer the APPSCCE (prelims) that the state public service commission has broad-based participants, coming from different walks of life facing respective challenges and issues of varied gravity.
For example, many in-service aspirants are somehow adjusting their leaves to sit in the exam, deserting their official duties, for whom taking long leave again due to deferment of exams may causes imbalance in the organisation where they are employed, and lots of unemployed aspirants who have been waiting restlessly for this exam are being ceaselessly haunted by skyrocketing rent and related fares of capital region and we have lots of aspirants who are about to cross the age limit if there emerges a few months of back and forth due to postponement.
A person who submitted representation to the commission on behalf of students demanding postponement was found citing Article 16 of the Constitution, ie, equality of opportunity in the matters of public employment. We should know that this provision cannot merely be invoked to benefit a particular section; rather it is applicable to all. Other parties’ grievances cannot be superseded at the cost of a particular section. He was also found briefing about eligibility of the final year college students to sit in this exam but at the same time we should also keep in mind that the commission stipulates upper age limit also.
Against the backdrop of such conflicting interests, the college final-year aspirants, instead of asking for postponement of exams should appeal to their university and college authorities to rearrange their exam date, keeping in mind 15 December, 2024. It sounds rational, logical and doable as well.
Else, postponing exam merely to ventilate the grievance of a particular section is unjustifiable and it sounds like blatant act against the ageing, in-service and unemployed aspirants who are being drained in all possible ways due to the already protracted fiasco.
May the commission consider both sides of the story.
Upcoming prelims aspirant