Declining forest cover a matter of concern

Arunachal Pradesh has lost 549 square kilometres (sq kms) of forest cover between 2021 and 2023 as per the India State of Forest Report (ISFR)-2023. Arunachal is among five states that have shown significant losses of forest cover outside the recorded forest area (RFA). With a growing population, human settlement is spreading and therefore more forest destruction is happening. Apart from this, massive construction activities like highways and other road projects too are responsible for the declining forest cover in the state.

The majority of contractors engaged in the construction of important road projects in the state do not follow the environmental norms. The department of environment, forest and climate change has also failed to take action against such firms who fail to follow the environmental norms. With several major hydropower projects being planned across Arunachal, the state will witness significant loss of forest cover in the days to come. These very influential hydropower developers often overlook environmental concerns. Once again the onus will lie with the department to ensure that they follow norms. The declining forest cover is a serious concern for every Arunachali. The afforestation efforts should be increased across the state.