ITANAGAR, Jun 14: The state government will promote production of bamboo-based compressed natural gas (CNG), said Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein during an interaction with Kamesh Salam, managing director of CanBoo, Cane & Bamboo, Chain Management Pvt Ltd and business associate of AgroGas for North East Region, when the latter called on him at his office here on Thursday evening.
Salam informed that India’s first BioCNG technology provider, AgroGas, is successfully producing CNG, using agriculture residues such as straw, in Pune and Nagpur in Maharashtra.
“The CNG will be comparatively cheaper, provide clean environment, and its by-product can also be used as organic manure,” he said.
“The state government is planning to adopt a policy under the National Biofuel Policy, as the state is very rich in bamboo, which can be a prime source of CNG,” Mein said.
Salam was accompanied by National Bamboo Mission’s State Mission Director Dr G Murtem, and APBRDA nodal officer RK Taj. (PRO)