ITANAGAR, Oct 9: The Confederation of Service Associations of Arunachal Pradesh (CoSAAP) has said it will go ahead with its proposed phase-wise pen- and tool-down strike, saying the state government employees would not accept theirentitled benefits in a “distorted and modified” form.
The CoSAAP has informed the chief minister about its decision, which was taken during a meeting of the state government employees on 9 October.
It said the chief secretary (CS) informed the CoSAAP that the state cabinet had held a special sitting on 8 October to discuss the employees’ grievances, with special reference to allowances under the 7th CPC. It said the CS also conveyed to the CoSAAP the decision(s) taken by the cabinet during the meeting.
The CoSAAP said it was informed by the CS that the cabinet has decided to consider grant of tough location allowance and house rent allowance only, from among several others, “that too by distorting the Govt of India OM, which the state government employees had vehemently disagreed.”
The CoSAAP said the state government employees have been demanding the 7th CPC allowances in toto, along with other service benefits for the employees “on the strength of the provisions contained in the Statehood Act, 1986, and further Adaptation of Laws orders of 1989.”