Awareness prog on child labour organized

ITANAGAR, Nov 14: An awareness programme on child labour was organized for the ragpickers of Chimpu area here on Tuesday by the Child Welfare Committee (CWC) ICC and Childline Itanagar.
As part of the programme, resource persons including advocate and CWC member Oyam Binggap explained about free legal aid and Arunachal Pradesh Victim Compensation Scheme Act 2012 while, CWC chairperson, Kani Nada Maling appealed to all to send their children to school.
Also, Childline coordinator, Elizabeth N.Tangzang briefed the participants about the functions of Childline and informed that anyone can make a call to the toll free number 1098 which is a 24 x 7 service centre if they find any child in distress.
MSW and BSW students from Himalayan University, staff of CWC and Childline Itanagar also participated in the programme.