Orgs condemn murder, questions NSCN

ITANAGAR, Oct 20: Several organizations have decried the reported murder of Wangnon Wangpesam of Chopnu village under Longding and molestation of his sister by cadres belonging to NSCN (IM).
Condemning the inhuman atrocity of NSCN (IM) against the common villagers, the All Arunachal Pradesh Students’ Union (AAPSU) has demanded for strong and stringent action against the culprits’ involved. While demanding early arrests, the AAPSU also sought compensation for the victims. Such heinous crimes cannot be tolerated, said AAPSU in a mail.
Rujen Students’ Union (RSU) said that the heinous act has terrified the local people and nearby villages as well. The union said that the killing is unacceptable as it sought exemplarily punishment.
It is really a matter of shame that NSCN (IM) are recruiting members who do not value human lives, it said while urging the higher authorities of NSCN (IM) to cross examine the matter and make sure such things do not happen in future.
Tirap, Changlang and Longding People’s Forum has also asked the NSCN to take stringent action against the alleged accused Rajapio Kapwang Wangsu. It said that perpetrator should not go scot free and that such acts will not be tolerated by the people of the three districts.