The state BJP on Tuesday released its vision document, promising to focus on health, education, water, electricity, connectivity, infrastructure and security. Even though the election manifesto is usually released amid fanfare, the state BJP silently released its vision document. The party did not even conduct any official programme and the document was shared with the media houses by the chief minister’s office. The manifesto has promised several things, including Trans-Arunachal (TAH) to connect all district headquarters, the East-West Industrial Corridor, four-laning of the highway from Hollongi to Banderdewa, the greenfield airport in Hollongi, etc.
The promises made in the vision document look impressive, but the BJP has not explained in detail how they are going to implement them. For example, the East-West Industrial Corridor, the TAH and the greenfield airport in Hollongi are in offing since the last many years. Despite the tall promises, none of the governments has so far managed to implement these projects. Now also they are simply making promises and have failed to tell how they are going to complete these long-pending projects. Also, there is nothing new in the manifesto and most of the points have been repeated. Further, the saffron party does not seem to be confident about its manifesto. The hush-hush way of releasing the manifesto says a lot about the confidence of the ruling party. It’s strange that such an important document has not been officially released by the party leaders.