ITANAGAR, May 7: Capital Complex Deputy Commissioner Himanshu Gupta on Tuesday directed the executive magistrates, the district land revenue settlement officer and the SKs to keep strict vigil on illegal encroachment and earth-cutting activities in the capital.
“Illegal earth-cutting causes the likelihood of occurrence of landslides, which may further endanger human lives and properties; therefore it is necessary to monitor and control such illegal activities,” the DC said during a meeting with the officials here.
He directed the executive magistrates to deploy SKs, mandals and PIs to monitor encroachment and earth-cutting in their respective sectors, and to submit daily reports regarding such activities to his office.
The DC has also issued an order banning earth-cutting from 1 May to 31 October.
He said, however, that in case of any “urgent earth-cutting” by government agencies, “the permission for the same has to be taken from the district administration.”
Gupta urged the residents of the capital complex to cooperate with the administration and abide by the rules and regulations.
He advised them to call the toll free number, 1077, for any assistance or complaint if they come across instances of illegal encroachment or earth-cutting. (DIPRO)