108 maneys at Mandala top

BOMDILA, Nov 9: The foundation stone for the 108 Maneys at picturesque Mandala top under Dirang administrative circle was laid jointly by the local Legislator cum Parliamentary Secretary for H&FW Phurpa Tsering, Deputy Commissioner Sonal Swaroop, Commander 14 BRTF and the Abbot of Mandala Monastery today amidst hundreds of villagers and HODs from Dirang and district headquarters Bomdila.
The 108 Maneys atop the Mandala situated at a height of around Eleven thousand feet and thirty two kilometers from Dirang; a hot spot tourist destination of the district, when completed would be a sure shot attraction for the tourists; both foreign and domestic.
Besides other amenities, the Maney compound would be housing a museum gallery and lodges for the tourists.
Instrumental in materialization of the scheme so dear to the Buddhist people of the area, local Legislator Phurpa facilitated for its early implementation.
The scheme is being implemented by the Public Works Department Dirang at an estimated cost of one crore. DIPRO