Students creating undesirable ruckus

The appointment of a Muslim person as assistant professor of Sanskrit at the Banaras Hindu University (BHU), a central university, has run into controversy. A section of students, especially those affiliated to the ABVP, which is the student wing of the RSS, is reportedly opposing the move to appoint Dr Firoz Khan. The university, however, so far has reiterated its backing for the newly-appointed assistant professor. This is really unfortunate, considering that India is a secular country where discrimination based on religious beliefs is not accepted. Dr Khan was appointed after the selection committee unanimously recommended his selection on the basis of the prescribed guidelines of the UGC and the government of India.
The students who are protesting the appointment of Dr Khan should be ashamed of their conduct. They seem to be more interested in politics than learning. They should remember that a teacher has no race or religion. By opposing the appointment of Dr Khan just because he is a Muslim, the protesting students have sent out a very disturbing signal to the society. Students are the future of the nation. If they start to indulge in activities which demean the secular fabric of the nation, the future of the country is doomed for sure. The BHU authorities should not succumb to the pressure. They should initiate strict action against students who are creating unnecessary trouble by opposing the appointment of Dr Khan. Let him join the university and resume his work at the earliest. If the BHU authorities fail to back him, it is going to have serious repercussions across the country.