Society seeks early creation of Shi Yomi district

ITANAGAR, Sep 20: The Boh Ramo Bokar (Adi) Elite Society (BRBES) on Wednesday reiterated its demand to the state government for early creation of separate district of ‘Shi Yomi’ for Mechukha Sub-Division, with its headquarters at Tato by bifurcating West Siang district.
Claiming that all necessary official formalities are completed for creation of ‘Shi Yomi’ district for Mechukha Sub-Division, the Society said that the people of Mechuka Sub-Division are now eagerly waiting for the new district and appealed to the CM to table the matter in the upcoming Assembly Session.
Stating that the new district for 33rd Mechukha Assembly Constituency was a long pending demand of the people of this border area, the Society said that the early creation of separate district for Mechukha Sub-Division would solve various problems of the people of the area who are deprived of development in all fronts.
Referring to the points in support of its demand, such as geographical isolation of the area from its parent district, administrative inconvenience due to vastness of the area, lack of development, strategic importance of the area from international border point of view, availability of land for district headquarters, etc, the Society appealed to the Chief Minister for creation of the new district, which the Society said, is much needed for socio-economic development of the area.
Meanwhile, claiming that the matter of district headquarters had been finalized following a public meeting on 4th September, 2016 and required documents were already submitted to the Deputy Commissioner of Aalo for further recommendation, the Society also requested local MLA-cum-Chairman Shi Yomi District Demand Committee, Pasang Dorjee Sona to negotiate with the Cabinet for approval of district creation in the upcoming Assembly Session.