ROING, Oct 25: A day-long capacity building programme for members of Self Help Groups (SHG) was organized by the Lower Dibang Valley, KVK at Koronu village on Tuesday last, and attended by 14 farm women from the five SHGs of Amroga, Naatho, Karma, Joni and Naani.
Speaking on the occasion, Senior Scientist and Head of KVK, Dr T J Rames has highlighted the available technologies for social development of the beneficiaries.
A fisheries specialist from Karnataka, Dr A T Ramachandra Naik, Associate Professor and Aquaculture Consultant, College of Fisheries, Mangaluru spoke about the importance of fish farming, farm management strategies, polyculture of fish and prawn, aquarium maintenance and income generation avenues in fisheries. He also visited a fish farm and provided technical inputs on pond management system for sustainable production and income.
SMS (Animal Science) Dr Dipankar Hazarika explaining about backyard poultry farming for nutritional and economic security to tribal farm women encouraged them to adopt new variety of poultry for better production and income.
SMS (Horticulture) V K Pandey briefed farmers about recycling of farm waste through production of vermicompost, nursery raising of vegetables and production employing organic approach. He also distributed high yielding varieties of vegetable seeds and women friendly tools (wheel hoe and other tools) to motivate them towards scientific vegetable production.