Committee seeks strict action against construction co.

ITANAGAR, Mar 12: Claiming that Gammon India Pvt Ltd has not maintained the quality of work while constructing the 81 km long Seppa to Chayang Tajo road, the Seppa Chayang Tajo Road Steering Committee (SCTRSC) has called upon Governor Brig (Retd) B D Mishra to take strict action against the said company within seven days.
In a representation submitted to the governor on Monday, the SCTRSC claimed that Gammon India Pvt Ltd has not only miserably failed to construct the road properly but it, at the same time has also not completed the work till date.
As per the committee, the North East Council (NEC) had awarded the road construction work amounting to Rs 90.50 crores to Gammon India Pvt Ltd through the state’s PWD in the year 2008. The company, however, has not completed even one third of the work after 10 long years.
“After withdrawing all the money allocated for the said construction, Gammon India Pvt Ltd abandoned the work in 2017 citing reasons of insufficient funds. This led to an allocation of additional funds worth Rs 60 crore to them.
Despite this, the road, which once constructed would act like a lifeline for the people of Bameng, Lada, Pipu, Sawa, Chayang Tajo etc has not neared completion,” the SCTRSC wrote in its letter.
The committee also went on to add, though Gammon India Pvt Ltd resumed work after Rs 60 crore was allocated, it still did not execute the same properly.
“The company is not following the DPR now and is engaging local sub-contractors to meet their needs. There are no drains, culverts or bridges. Moreover, even the blacktopping done in most of the stretches is below standard,” the SCTRSC claimed.
Also taking a dig at the PWD for not monitoring the work properly, the committee said that due to the negligence of the department and construction company the people of the aforementioned areas are suffering.
The SCTRSC has further appealed to the governor to constitute an interim board/committee which can monitor the construction and at the same time also hold all payments against Gammon India Pvt Ltd for the said work.
It also demanded Gammon India Pvt Ltd to immediately withdraw/surrender the said work.
The SCTRSC has threatened that if action is not taken against Gammon India Pvt Ltd within seven days, it would to start a democratic protest besides taking legal support.