Dear Editor,
Through your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the kind attention of the concerned authority to look into the bizarre mobile/telecommunication service of Anjaw District.
Being the Eastern most part of India, it should have a healthy telecommunication service. But sadly, no one cares about it. Today in Arunachal Pradesh, almost everyone has a smart phone and they are taking the full advantage of these latest technology. But in case of Anjaw district; forget internet, we are hardly able to speak to our dear ones.
After a dozen of phone calls, when you finally get to speak, you just get to say Hello. Then afterwards it will literally take a decade to just complete your greetings.
Sadly, if you are unlucky than you don’t even get a chance to say hello at all. Is it fair? Are these BSNL Towers just for fun? If BSNL is not capable of providing this simple service, the concerned authority should give a chance to other telecom service providers.
We just need to communicate with our family and nothing else matter.
In a grave situation it will be impossible to reach out to our family and relatives without healthy telecommunication service.
It is the concern of all those people living in border areas of Arunachal Pradesh. We all are facing the same problem. We are all Arunachalis and we should be treated equally.
Therefore, I request the concerned authority to look into this matter seriously. I hope you will bring an end to our suffering and misery.
A citizen