‘What about us?’

Dear Editor,
While clarifying the fake news about APPSCCE (Prelims) 2017, the APPSC informed that ‘the preliminary examination date cannot be announced just yet, as various colleges have examinations which will run well towards the end of May.’
It appears that the Commission is very much worried about college students who will get several chances to appear in job interview. But what about us, who are at the verge of crossing upper age limit due to delay in recruitment process and this APPSCCE will be last one for them.
There are thousands of colleges all over India and final exams of these colleges start from the month of November to August. Does it mean that for 8 months no interview will be conducted by APPSC.
Neither upper age limit is increased despite of repeated appeal nor recruitment process is done on time. And now the Commission is waiting for college exams to end to start recruitment process!
The Commission is setting up wrong trend by waiting for college exam to end, but yes, if any job interview (written) like that of SBI, SSC coincides with Commission’s exam, then adjustment should be made.
Therefore, we the aspirants who are at the verge of crossing upper age limit would like to request APPSC to have mercy on us and conduct prelim in the month of May as per last official nonfiction of Commission.
Harung Lamgo
Techo Ape