ITANAGAR, Apr 11: Altogether 43,541 students appeared in the class V and VIII Arunachal Pradesh State Board Examinations which ended peacefully on Wednesday. These figure included 22,276 students who appeared in Class VIII examination.
There were 1831 exam centres for Class V students and 921 exam Centres for class VIII across the state.
Education Secretary Dr. Madhu Rani Teotia visited some of the examination centres-Govt. Secondary School, P-Sector, Govt. Upper Primary School, D-Sector and Evaluation centre, Govt. Upper Primary School, ESS-Sector in the Capital Complex on the last day of the examinations.
Education Department has lauded the administrative officers and others who were involved for successful conduct of Arunachal Pradesh State Board Examination (2017-18) of Class V and VIII.
Exam results will be declared on April 20, 2018, according to an official release.