Dear Editor,
Through your esteemed daily, I would like to lay down few words regarding inefficiency of APPSC.
That vide advt. no: PSCR(B)/07/2017 Dtd. 4th july 2017, the commission notified advertisement for A.E ( civil) exam, but its been almost one year , the commission is yet to notify even the examination dates.
If the commission takes one and half year to notify the examination date and another one and half year to conduct the exam and come up with final result, then the efficiency level of the commission is far below other SPSC. As such it seems it is a inbuilt character to take 2 to 3 years to conduct a single exam
Therefore, i humbly request the commission to leave past the snail pace and gain some momentum and increase your efficiency to conduct the examination without further delay, so that the deserving candidates will get recruited early.
An aspirants