ITANAGAR, Apr 24: The Arunachal Pradesh Literary Society (APLS) on Monday celebrated World Book Day at JN State Museum under the chairmanship of its president YD Thongchi.
In his address, Thongchi highlighted the need and utility of book reading, particularly for the younger generation.
“Reading is the best form of recreation. It can extend the horizon of knowledge,” he said. He also highlighted some good books to read and suggested that one has to read lots of books in order to become a writer.
The World Book Day, a UNESCO calendar event which also honours writers, is also marked as Copyright Day.
Attending the programme, noted poet Yumlam Tana, who writes in English, expressed satisfaction over the celebration of the day and share his experience in writing.
Tana has authored a graphic novel – ‘The Struggle for Existence’ – which is considered a pioneering contribution in the field.
Noted writer in Assamese language, Ajanta also shared her experience of writing. She said book reading was essential to write anything.
RGU Associate Professor Dr Joram Yalam Nabam shared her experiences of writing, especially her novel Jangli Phul, in Hindi.
Novelist S Sumnyan said he started writing novels after reading Chetan Bhagat. “After that, writing came to me automatically,” he said.
Yater Nyokir, an M Phil student at RGU, highlighted indigenous writers, their contributions, constraints and challenges.
“They are not appreciated by the intellectuals,” she lamented.
Others who spoke on the occasion were RN Koley, Mukul Pathak and Inu Kashyap. General secretary Batem Pertin, Arunachal Front Editor Nani Kojin, and Dr SK Ghosh also were present.