ITANAGAR, May 16: The Arunachal Pradesh Information Committee (APIC) under section 20 (1) of the RTI Act has imposed a penalty of Rs 25, 000 on Kaying-Payum Block Development Officer Misa gamlin for refusing to furnish information pertaining to implementation of the IAY, BADP, Focus Area Dev, MPLAD and MSDP within his jurisdiction, which was sought by one Karmur Jerang of Kerang village.
The APIC has further directed the officer to compensate the information seeker for financial and other detrimental he had suffered while seeking information from 9 November, 2017 under section 19 (8) (b) of the RTI Act.
“Failure to comply with the order might compel the commission to invoke section 20(2) of the Act for recommendation of disciplinary action as per service rule”, a communiqué from the commission read.