The recent decision of Potin Pangin Highway Pvt Ltd (PPHL), the construction agency assigned to construct Potin-Pangin stretch of Trans Arunachal Highway (TAH), to leave the project mid-way is a major setback for the state. The PPHL have cited several reasons for it in their foreclosure report sent to the secretary ministry of road, transport and highway. The construction agency has accused the state government of failing to provide land for construction of TAH. It is also alleged that many private investors including construction agencies engaged to construct TAH faced hostilities from the public. The incidents of direct and indirect extortion were also reported. With PPHL pulling out, the future of TAH project is in dark.
However its repercussion will not be limited to road project only. Henceforth the private investors who were willing to invest in the state will be extremely wary. No companies will invest in a state where government is not helpful and locales are hostile. End of the day, state, in particularly young generation will be the biggest loser. The government alone with not be able to provide jobs to all the youth. Private investment offers the best chance of generating employment opportunities for the unemployed youths of the state. Also with the withdrawal of PPHL, uncertainty lies ahead for TAH project. The state government will have to really work hard to revive the project. Also its time people of state decide whether they want quality road or be happy with the pathetic road.