Road about to collapse

Dear Editor,
I would like to bring to notice of all that road from Chimpu village to Sangey Lhaden Sports Academy, which is located 500 metres away from the National Highway 415 (NH) has been badly damaged due to heavy rain.
This road is regularly used by school students, students and staffs of sports academy, employees of Directorate of Sports and general public settled nearby.
Therefore, this is to request all concerned to please avoid driving over this said road as the nearby flowing nallah has washed up the road underneath and may collapse anytime.
About 60% of the culvert built over the nallah has been damaged and driving over the above mentioned road can pose great risk to one’s safety.
The PWD department has been informed about the status of the road and I would urge the state government to kindly provide fund for early restoration of the road for safety of the people nearby.
TT Charu
Birup, Itanagar