Daily Archives: December 8, 2018

Democracy or Oligarchy?

Poll Campaigning By Proloy Bagchi We are in the midst of election season, with as many as five States results to start pouring out early next...

Blacked-necked Crane at Chug Valley: Dialogue on first sighting

Dear Editor This is in response to Tim Bodt's article which was published on 7th of December regarding the sighting of Black-necked cranes in Chut...

Slow pace of Highway work

Dear Editor, This is regarding the ongoing High way expansion between Itanagar and Naharlagun. We all know that Arunachal is a rainy place. We hardly have...

A separate cadre

Dear Editor, I'm writing this in regard of the IAS cadre allocation process. Hardly in a year only 1 or 2 student from our state...

Do away with heavy school bags, provide bookshelves

Dear Editor, It is disheartening to see school children walking to school weighed down by heavy school bags. Bags are often heavier than the weight...

Notify the Assistant Professors exam date

Dear Editor, I would like to remind the APPSC that on 31st May 2018, the commission had advertised the posts of Assistant Professors for the...