DBC, DNGC, ALA join debate competition

ITANAGAR, Apr 1: Debate competitions on the topic ‘Has Arunachal truly evolved as a vibrant democracy since last 32 years?’ were conducted simultaneously on Monday at Don Bosco College (DBC) in Jollang and Dera Natung Govt College (DNGC) in Itanagar.
The competitions, which are being organised by the capital complex administration at various colleges of the capital to generate awareness on free and fair elections, are witnessing participation of a large number of students.
At DBC, 20 participants from various semesters participated in the debate competition, and Mige Kambu, Meto Bage and Teli Taya were adjudged three best debaters.
DBC principal Fr Jose George said the competition will continue till Tuesday, and the two best debaters will participate in the inter-college competition at DNGC on 3 April.
At DNGC, Joram Mama and Miti Perme emerged the winners.
Last Saturday, the debate competition was conducted at the Arunachal Law Academy (ALA) in Lekhi, where Nabam Roma and Khoda Yaluk emerged the winners. (DIPRO)