ITANAGAR, Jun 28: The Arunachal Chamber of Commerce & Industries (ACCI) on Friday said DGP SBK Singh has assured to “set up four to six police beats with adequate police personnel in various sensitive areas of the capital complex, which will start functioning from 31 July.”
An ACCI team, led by its president Tarh Nachung and secretary-general Toko Tatung, called on the DGP in his office here on Friday, and offered various suggestions to ensure safety and security for the traders, residents and commuters in the capital complex.
In a press release, the ACCI said it would construct the beats with its own resources.
It said the DGP also assured to set up three more nakas in addition to the existing ones, improve the functionality of the CCTV cameras in sensitive areas, including the Doimukh, Kola Camp and Gumto check gates, and create a special patrolling team under the emergency response support system.
“The service of 24×7 mobiles, 6009095588/ 8414980930, will be available with duty police officers for anyone to lodge complaints directly through calls, SMSes or WhatsApp, besides videos and photographs,” the ACCI said.
Earlier, Nachung and Tatung requested the DGP to make the police beats in strategic locations functional and ensure round-the-clock police patrolling in the capital complex.
“Extortion has turned into a menace for the traders and the innocent public, besides causing law and order problems,” Tatung said.
Informing that the ACCI has been advised to prepare a list of authorized traders of the capital complex and submit the list to the DGP’s office, the traders’ body said it is going to organize an “authentic document verification mela,” in collaboration with the police, for traders and their employees, landlords, and tenants on 7 and 21 July at the Nyikum Niya ground in Nirjuli, the Naharlagun Kendriya Vidyalaya, and IG Park in Itanagar.