The decision of senior Congress leader Jyotiraditya Scindia to resign from the party and join rival BJP has come as a massive setback for the grand old party. Political analysts believe that the Congress may struggle to overcome this huge political setback. A rising star and once considered to be the close aide of Rahul Gandhi, the decision of Jyotiraditya Scindia to join the BJP might lead to others following a similar path. There are many young leaders in the Congress who are extremely frustrated with the present situation of the party. Scindia, while joining the BJP today, claimed that the Congress is not the party that once used to be. He is absolutely correct. If the party wishes to revive itself, drastic action should be taken. There is still no clarity over the leadership.
Incumbent president Sonia Gandhi, who holds temporary charge, is reluctant to continue, while Rahul Gandhi, who resigned in 2019 after disastrous defeat in the Lok Sabha election, is still refusing to lead the party. The chaos and confusion surrounding the party refuses to die down. A coterie of leaders who have outlived their utility for the party is still running the affairs of the party and refuse to make way for the younger generation. The conflict between the old guard and the younger generation, along with leadership crisis is hurting the prospect of the Congress. Left with no choice, the demoralized grass-root leaders and workers might soon start shifting to other parties for a better future. It is a great tragedy that the party, which has a rich history and is associated with the freedom movement, is today struggling to survive. The time for introspection is over. It is now or never for the party. If the Congress does not initiate any major step to revive in the next six months, then they should forget about the 2024 general election.