NIRJULI, 31 Jan: A three-day national webinar series organized by the department of electronics and communication engineering, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology (NERIST) concluded here on Saturday last.
The webinar series comprised of three individual events namely, webinars on: recent advancements in signal processing and machine learning, internet of things (IoT) and 5G, recent advancements in DC converter in electrical vehicle application & analytic and non-analytic Hilbert transform relationship.
It aimed at presenting the latest research findings and innovations in the field of machine learning, signal processing, internet of things (IoT), 5G Wireless communication, DC to DC converters in electrical vehicles, and Discrete Hilbert Transforms and its applications to various domains.
During the inaugural session, NERIST director professor H.S Yadav advised faculty members of different departments of the institute to organize similar programs in future to ensure that scientific and technological knowledge percolate down to common people. ‘The COVID pandemic should not be a hindrance in the academic progress,’ he added.
In all, 244 people including faculty, students and officers of different institutes like IIT Kharagpur, IIT Guwahati, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, RGUArunachal Pradesh, Assam University Silchar, DSMNRU Lucknow, Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi, Tripura University, Mizoram Science Center and Aligarh Muslim University participated in the programme.
Resource persons of the webinar included; Dr. Ranju S. Karta from Mangalam College of Engineering, Kerela, Dr. Malaya Kumar Nath of NIT Puducherry, Dr. Priya Ranjan Muduli of IIT BHU, Dr. Saikat Majumder of NIT Raipur, Dr. Salil Kasyap of IIT Guwahati, professor Santanu Sharma of Tezpur University, professor L. Joyprakash Singh Dean School of Technology, NEHU and Dr. Rupaban Subadar of NEHU, Shillong.