TAWANG, 20 Apr: Special focus was concentrated on the issue of drug abuse in the state during the second day of the annual SsP/COs conference currently underway here.
Arunachal Pradesh Police (APP) DGP RP Upadhyaya declared drug abuse as “the primary priority of the APP, as far as crime detection is concerned.”
Deliberations were also held on supply routes of synthetic drugs and distribution channels, and the SsP and the COs were tasked to formulate specific strategies to deal with the issue.
The DGP also encouraged officers to speak to their counterparts in bordering states “for better coordination in intelligence sharing regarding substance abuse.”
Earlier, the law and order IG made a presentation regarding the menace of arms proliferation in the state, and measures to deal with it. This was followed by sessions on the crime situation in the state. In-depth discussions were held on pending investigations, pending inquests, heinous cases, especially those related to women and children, and the status of departmental inquiries in disciplinary cases.
New trends in cybercrime cases were also discussed, and investigation strategies were also discussed.
The Housing Corporation of the APP also held a session on the ongoing and planned infrastructure development projects. Providing good quality staff quarters and barracks for the personnel of the APP were stressed on.
The western range DIG made a presentation regarding broad policing issues in his range.
SsP of the districts of the western range also presented the achievements and issues of their respective districts.
This was followed by presentations by the state security advisor and the SsP of Tirap, Changlang and Longding region regarding the insurgency issue and ways to deal with it.